Task 3

Urban Sounds Classification


About the dataset

Link to uploaded dataset: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=14u-bfL8kPRUDggPCSVio25Bw7LSuoChK

this dataset contains 8732 labelled sound excerpts (<=4s) of urban sounds from 10 classes: air_conditioner, car_horn, children_playing, dog_bark, drilling, engine_idling, gun_shot, jackhammer, siren, and street_music

According to the original paper, sound excerpts are taken from www.freesound.org and are already pre-sorted into ten folds for cross-validation.

The meta-data contains 8 columns.

  • slice_file_name: name of the audio file
  • fsID: FreesoundID of the recording where the excerpt is taken from
  • start: start time of the slice
  • end: end time of the slice
  • salience: salience rating of the sound. 1 = foreground, 2 = background
  • fold: The fold number (1–10) to which this file has been allocated
  • classID: 0 = air_conditioner 1 = car_horn 2 = children_playing 3 = dog_bark 4 = drilling 5 = engine_idling 6 = gun_shot 7 = jackhammer 8 = siren 9 = street_music
  • class: class name
  • There are two classes (car_horn, gun_shot) which have a bit less than half amount of entries compared to other 8 classes.

Variables in the data

  • The sampling rate, bit depth, and number of channels are the same as those of the original file uploaded to Freesound (and hence may vary from file to file).”

  • It means there might be many different sample rates in the data, which means even with the same duration, the number of samples will be different.

  • Moreover, different bit depth means, they can take different rage of values.

  • Some of them might be stereo, while others are mono.

Pre-processing to be applied

  1. Convert everything to Mono audio.
  2. Sample rate conversion to 22.05 khz.
  3. Equalise bit depth.


  1. TowardsDataScience- Part 1
  2. TowardsDataScience- Part 2